, pub-5359058159664465, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

A Checklist to Make Planning Your Workshop Easier

Affiliated Links Included

When I was invited to do my very first workshop, I was super excited but also freaked out. I’ve attended workshops, helped set up and assist in a workshop, however, I’ve never actually created one from start to finish on my own. After I finished

Planning a workshop;

  1. Curriculum-

  2. Take Away- What is the students going to take away both physically and educationally, from the workshop?

  3. Tools-

  4. Students Space

  5. General Space

Day of the Class:

  1. Leave home early, arrive early.

  2. Clean & tidy the space before laying out the workstations and setting up the space

  3. Create ambience

  4. “Show & Tell” table. Set up a table filled with your products that relate back to the subject of your workshop. This helps to show the students what can be made but also shows them what products you are able to sell. I do not recommend that you sell anything during the class when you are hosting the workshop at another company’s venue. Simply refer them to your website.

  5. Introductions. Greet each student as they arrive but save some of your background history in the subject for the official introduction. When it is time to start the workshop, re-introduce yourself, share your how you began your journey in the subject matter, and any other pertinent bits. Your students should also have a chance to introduce themselves and have them state why they chose to attend your workshop. If you have an “ice breaker” activity, this will be a perfect time to add it.

  6. Housekeeping- share with your students basic safety information and point out to them where the restrooms are, the fire extinguisher, and the first aid kit.

  7. Safety- if there is will be any fire, stoves, knifes, etc. being used during the course then go over some basic safety guidelines.

  8. Use your curriculum as you guide but allow for spontaneity

  9. Thank your students for attending- at the end of the workshop be sure to say thank you, answer any questions, and help them pack up

  10. Leave the venue in better shape then when you arrived. Completely clean the counters, the floors, and remove any trash from the trash cans

  11. Close up the space- turn off the lights, fans, windows and lock up all of the doors.

  12. Once your home, immediately email a thank you email to your point of contact for the venue, inform them of how you feel the class went, if there were any students missing, and assure them that the venue was properly cleaned and closed up when you left.

  13. If the company allows you to; email your students a thank you email. Include in it tips or recipes that relate to the subject of the workshop. This gives your email more value and leaves the student feeling like they received a quality experience during and after the workshop. I create my emails in Canva as it allows it to be creatively displayed with images and colors that are fun and eye catching.

Elevating Your Workshop. There are so many workshops out there, it is so very important to stand out so they an continue to want to attend workshops hosted by you. Here are some tips that may help to make your workshop memorable.

  1. Extra of Everything- bring an extra place setting, tools, and any items your students use just in case something breaks or in case a surprise student shows up.

  2. Plan Your Brand’s Appearance- put thought into where you are able to add your brand or company name. Wear your company’s shirt, make sure your company’s name is on the apron and all of your students aprons, add it to any document or pamphlets your students will be taking home with them.

  3. Make a Sign-, pub-5359058159664465, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0